Project 1
Manager of the project “International Cooperation” at Siemens. Created a structured approach to analyzing strengths and weaknesses of international project groups in the areas of intercultural communication, project steering and personnel, and provided support for teams in Germany, Russia and the U.K..
– Analysis of all ongoing projects in order to identify critical success factors.
– Development of a questionnaire for project members.
– Project analysis based on the questionnaire and telephone interviews.
– Project support based on prior analysis.
- A German-Russian project was experiencing delays and some tension between the teams. These turned out to be the result of deficiencies in their e-mail communication. We agreed on rules for e-mails, and spot monitoring of e-mails was performed over a period of three months. Project managers in both countries received coaching and regular telephone conferences for the entire team were introduced.
- Germans working with Indians were not getting the results that they expected. In addition, the continued existence of the project was in jeopardy, because a technical training program for the Indians did not seem to be effective. The analysis showed that it was the “classic” cross-cultural friction points (method of communication, perception of hierarchy, problem-solving style) that were the cause of the problems. Workshops were held for all team members in India and Germany. The German trainer was coached and helped to design his training program according to Indian learning style. Follow-ups after three and six months.
Project 2
At a medium-sized high-tech firm: Despite a very good business climate there was a tense relationship between the German headquarters and the American subsidiaries. A situational analysis revealed different sources of conflict, such as information flow between headquarters and subsidiaries, different understandings of customer care as well as some different technical needs. Workshops for the staff of both countries were carried out and new communication procedures and channels were instituted. A continuous feedback forum was established between the two countries.
Project 3
An international engineering company with headquarters in Germany: Salespeople received training in several modules over a time frame of two years. Regional salespeople often were responsible for several countries, so emphasis was on intercultural aspects of customer acquisition and retention. In addition, everyone had to cooperate with the German headquarters, and the Germans with them. During the training agreements for cooperation between branches and headquarters were worked out. At the conclusion all participants received a personal coaching based on their behavior during the workshops as well as the results of a personality test.