Europe is changing, and this is reflected in work force issues. The age pyramid is shifting. People talk about quotas for women and parental leave for men. The revised EU Equal Treatment Directive Act provides parameters that are forcing change.

Employees of any company generally represent a broad spectrum: men and women, old and young, people with different ethnic or national backgrounds. Each of these groups represents its own subculture with its own work style. In order to be effective, they have to be able to work cooperatively and creatively with one another.

Misunderstandings and misinterpretations arise when implicit assumptions are not shared. Members of different age groups differ in their approach to hierarchy, their use of technology, time management, and even in their comfort with a given office design. Women and men often use disparate communication styles and have different strategies for working in teams or as managers. Colleagues from other countries bring the unspoken rules of their own culture with them.

Diversity is not only an issue in relations between coworkers. HR measures should be designed so that the entire staff perceives them to be fair. Sales strategies should be aligned with culture of the clientele. Recruitment and development programs should be designed so that they do not overlook talent and development opportunities in a diverse population.

Diversity workshops raise awareness for intragroup differences and help participants to really speak a common language.

In-house diversity workshops are always tailored to the needs and requirements of the company.